4.A a 4.C
pokud zde něco nenajdete,pište mail, naskenuji:)
www.novamaturita.cz ( pro státní maturanty vše potřebné )
www.bridge-online.cz ( pro všechny zdroj maturitních témat)
oxford_maturita_voc..tif [717 KB]
new! www.statnimaturita-anglictina.cz
English grammar practice :www.englishpage.com
SELF STUDY ( 6.2.-12.22017)
1.didaktický test 20170130114139115.pdf [891 KB]
řešenícteni_a_jazykova_kompetence_zadani_a_vysedky.docx [14 KB]
March 2017
speaking practice for ´school maturita´ ( Friday 24.3.)
www.youtube.com/watch ( CAE exam speaking part)
20170329072747893.pdf [3872 KB]
useful phrases+ writing
Easter video link www.eslvideo.com/eslvideo_quiz_highint.php
history.com www.history.com/topics/holidays/history-of-easter/videos/history-of-the-holidays-easter-video
23. Sport and competition
www.youtube.com/watch the Olympics
history of tennis www.youtube.com/watch
22. Shopping preferences, advertising
www.youtube.com/watch parody ad
www.youtube.com/watch funny:) ad
21. Types of dwelling places
www.youtube.com/watch American X British homes
picturebank_4a_col.pdf [3909 KB]
picturebank_4b_col.pdf [2236 KB]
20. Art
vocabulary key ( for Michal:)
20170322074805746.pdf [68 KB]
19. The impact of tourism
vocabulary copy key:
20170310113214168.pdf [96 KB]
Michal Freedom of speech essay 20170303072459494.pdf [195 KB]
18. Keeping fit, diseases
17.Medical care
February 2017
16.the Environment
Global warming
15. the Czech Republic,the EU
the CR
the EU
14. Education
copy ( educational systems UK,USA,CR) + education vocabulary
20170215071732175.pdf [819 KB]
20170215071700155.pdf [800 KB]
13.American literature
in historical context 11_american_literature.pdf [261 KB]
E.A.Poe . Bells www.youtube.com/watch
Lost generation www.youtube.com/watch
Beat generation www.youtube.com/watch
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller www.youtube.com/watch ( a recommended book)
Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway www.youtube.com/watch ( a short movie)
SPARKNOTES John Steinbeck ( Of Mice and Men) : www.youtube.com/watch ( useful link to book summaries)
January 2017
12.Crime and punishment
crime-and-punishment.docx [22 KB]
11.A day in a life ( Lifestyles)
1. definition LIFESTYLE
2. my personal lifestyle( daily habits, routines, attitudes to modern trends, fashion......)
3. extreme lifestyle ( the Amish ad SB, Hippies
10.Natural Disasters
1. National Geographic videos e.g. www.youtube.com/watch
outline ( talk about: location, areas affected,cause and consequences + help: charities)
New Year esl_conversation_questions.doc [23 KB]
gerund_or_infinitive.doc [20 KB]
December 2016
9. Faith and religion
Mother Theresa learningenglish.voanews.com/a/vatican-to-recognize-religious-worker-best-known-for-helping-poor/3490230.html
Church of England ( the Reformation) www.youtube.com/watch
:) if you want to learn more www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/cofe/cofe_1.shtml
copy ( close test) the_church_of_england_is_the_established_or.docx [14 KB]
Religion conversation questions www.esldiscussions.com/r/religion.html
The Bible conversation questions www.esldiscussions.com/b/bible.html
the US Presidents and the Bible ( taking oath)
The 10 Commandments,The Catholic Sacraments Baptism , Confirmation, Eucharist (or Holy Communion), Reconciliation (Penance or Confession), Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, and Holy Orders, Prayers...
Christianity and art, charities, music,literature,festivals..........
paintings www.jesus-story.net/painting_birth_christ.htm
music www.youtube.com/watch (Talbot) www.youtube.com/watch (Hillsong)
describing pictures paintings_description.docx [1448 KB]
10. Christian holidays ( the Bible,origin, symbols, traditions....)
Christmas www.projectbritain.com/Xmas/index.html
Easter www.projectbritain.com/easter.html
November 2016
8. The British literaturure ( test 4.A 8.12. /4.C 9.12.)
0. reading a story reading_a_story.docx [15 KB]
1. copy
2. an outline
MEDIEVAL ENGLISH LITERATURE ( Geoffrey Chaucer: Canterbury Tales)
The Queen www.youtube.com/watch
song www.youtube.com/watch
sonnets 148 ( my favourite:) www.youtube.com/watch
plays ( bbc adaptations)
SB pp 62 -63 ( + the Globe)
As you like it ( Jacques speech) www.youtube.com/watch
Middle English www.youtube.com/watch
18th century literature
Jonathan Swift : Gulliver´s Travels www.youtube.com/watch
movie www.youtube.com/watch
Jane Austen: www.youtube.com/watch
William Blake
Songs of Innocence (Lamb) www.youtube.com/watch
Songs of Experience ( Tiger) www.youtube.com/watch
Robert Burns www.youtube.com/watch
Lord Byron, Keats
reading (16. října 1854, Dublin – 30. listopadu 1900, Paříž)
19th century
the Victorian era www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/victorians.html
Charles Dickens www.youtube.com/watch
Oscar Wilde www.helpforenglish.cz/search/
Velvet Revolution www.youtube.com/watch
political systems ( the USA, theUK, the CR) political_systems.docx [21 KB]
voter turnout presidential election www.businessinsider.com/trump-voter-turnout-records-history-obama-clinton-2016-11
voter turnout BREXIT referendum www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/24/how-did-turnout-affect-the-eu-referendum-result/
volební účast krajské volby 2016 zpravy.idnes.cz/krajske-a-senatni-volby-0vw-/online.aspx
7. the USA
copy 20161103084223219.pdf [1372 KB]
+ geography ....... www.bridge-online.cz
Mount Rushmore (presidents) video www.eslvideo.com/esl_video_quiz_high_intermediate.php
presidential election 2016
6. Holidays and festivals
REMEMBRANCE DAY www.youtube.com/watch
All Saints´Day
St.Andrew www.scotland.org/video-gallery#st-andrew-scotlands-patron-saint
St.David www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofWales/St-David-Patron-Saint-of-Wales/
prima British saints british_saints.docx [62 KB]
Halloween quiz bet-you-didnt-know-halloween.docx [29 KB]
video linkwww.history.com/topics/halloween/history-of-halloween/videos/bet-you-didnt-know-halloween
Song this_is_halloween.docx [46 KB]
Orson Wells radio adaptation of H.G.Wells War of the worlds www.youtube.com/watch
October 2016
3. Eating habits
- traditional British cuisine ( Insight upper-interm. an article about Fish and chips)/Czech cuisine
- vegetarianism www.youtube.com/watch ( carnivorous channel:))
(reasons why people become vegetarians)
-where does your family buy food ( supermarkets, food markets, organic food....)
4. Media
September 2016
Yes, Prime Minister
script sir_humphrey.docx [16 KB]
the role of media
British media
media.docx [20 KB]
5. Great Britain, London ( make it interesting,not dull:))
(geography, politics, places of interest,history, cities.....)
01_uk_basic_facts_1_.pdf [2934 KB]
useful links:
www.visitbritain.com/gb/en/top-10-harry-potter-film-locations-around-britain places of interest
London (Katka presentation, video)
london_1_.pptx [9119 KB]
BREXIT video link www.theguardian.com/politics/video/2016/jun/24/eu-referendum-how-britain-voted-for-brexit-video
1.Problems of today
images.docx [15674 KB]
poverty www.youtube.com/watch
Malala´s story www.youtube.com/watch
refugeeswww.unhcr.org/pages/49e48e0fa7f.html ( RESOURCES, video)
A refugee camp in Turkey www.youtube.com/watch
child soldiers Liberiawww.youtube.com/watch
help www.doctorswithoutborders.org/news-stories/video/boy-who-tricked-ebola
poverty ( a job you would never do?) www.globalissues.eu/additional.html
VOCABULARY revisionproblems_of_today_vocabulary.docx [14 KB]
2. Brno, Prague
handout 20161025070818189.pdf [777 KB]
1. Prague video www.youtube.com/watch ´fairy-taly´:)
2. Prague, Brno, cities conversation questions ( of course you have to modify them:)) new_york.doc [38 KB]
3. writing
Zadání HW:
Chcete přispět do anglického školního časopisu. Rozhod/a jste se napsat článek o školní akci (např. sportovní nebo kulturní akce, výlet, projektový den), které jste se zúčastnil/a se svou třídou. Napište článek v rozsahu 120-150 slov, ve kterém:
- uvedete, jaké akce jste se zúčastnil/a; (bod zadání č. 1)
– uvedete, kdy a kde se akce konala; (bod zadání č. 2)
– popíšete akci (např. účel, průběh, účastníci); (bod zadání č. 3)
– napíšete, co se Vám na akci líbilo nebo nelíbilo; (bod zadání č. 4)
– zdůvodníte svůj názor. (bod zadání č. 5)
4. Brno official video www.youtube.com/watch
5. These are your friends from abroad: a) introduce Brno to them
b) prepare a three-day trip to Prague for them
Austen ( English literature extra)
Literature extra
Of Mice and Men ( American literature extra)
Crime and Punishment
- types of crime and types of punishment
- death penalty ( article)
Sport and Competitions
Natural Disasters
1. vocabulary OME book SB.p. 56/8 - 12
choose one Natural Disater ( search the net : where it occurs, causes, consequences ) write a short report in which you use different tenses : mail it to me
Keeping fit, diseases
1. Healthy lifestyle ( based on the video : compare past X present, men X women..... and what about YOU?
a) healthy diet b) exercises
2. Problems ( hectic life, eating disorders, allergies.........)
Medical Care
private X state systems
healthcare insurance
NHS in Britain
topics for an essay
Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. Do you agree?
What are factors which are related to academic success in high-school students?
Do the benefits of study abroad justify the difficulties? What advice would you offer to a prospective student?
The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people. But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
Education is recognized as vital to the future of any society in today's world. Governments throughout the world should make education compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten. Discuss.
Should sports classes be sacrificed in High School so students can concentrate on academic subjects?
The Environment definition, problems, causes, concequences, solutions?)
Christmas lesson
Newspaper Blackout
Christmas trivia quiz
It´s beginning to look a lot like christmas
American and British Christmas compared
Self study FRIDAY 5th December
American literature
kindly asking :) read The Black Cat by E. A. Poe (a copy)
Wednesdays : lessons on history, literature and geography
1.Chaucer www.webenglishteacher.com/chaucer.html
2. British ( English, Scottish , Irish ) poetry ( Shakespeare :Sonnets, your poet + learn 5 lines by heart)
poetry.zip [36 KB]
Edward Lear : A Book of Nonsense ( limericks)
William Blake : Songs of Innocence ( the Lamb) Songs of Experience ( the Tyger)
3. William Shakespeare ( Sonnets, Sonnet 148, As you like it ( All the world is a stage....., comedies, tragedies)
Shakespeare songwww.youtube.com/watch
As you like it www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/asyoulikeit/section10.rhtml
as_you_like_it.docx [13 KB]
5. 18th cent. literature
read an extract by a writer of the 18th century
Jonathan Swift www.gutenberg.org/files/829/829-h/829-h.htm
Sir Walter Scott www.gutenberg.org/files/82/82-h/82-h.htm
Jane Austen www.gutenberg.org/files/158/158-h/158-h.htm#link2HCH0001
Daniel Defoe www.readbookonline.net/read/13459/32597/
Life of Jane Austen www.youtube.com/watch 3 min
Austen ( marriage and class)www.youtube.com/watch
austen.docx [13 KB]
Pride and Prejudice ( chapter 34)www.youtube.com/watch
www.gutenberg.org/files/1342/1342-h/1342-h.htm read
J. Swift : Gulliver´s travels(chapter 5 , 1st par.) www.youtube.com/watch
Robert Burns : life www.youtube.com/watch
Auld Lang Syne www.youtube.com/watch
6. Oscar Wildewildequotes.docx [65 KB]
The Picture of Dorian Grey
notes video www.youtube.com/watch
notes www.sparknotes.com/lit/doriangray/
read online www.youtube.com/watch
Happy Prince
notes englishnotesforba.blogspot.cz/2010/10/happy-prince-by-oscar-wilde.html
video www.youtube.com/watch
Canterville Ghost
video www.youtube.com/watch
notes alisaunderground.wordpress.com/2013/04/18/the-canterville-ghost-oscar-wilde-book-review/
read online www.youtube.com/watch
notes www.enotes.com/topics/oscar-wilde/critical-essays/analysis-2
read online Her voice www.youtube.com/watch
Wild a playwright
notes on Ideal Husband www.sparknotes.com/drama/idealhusband/
Ideal Husband video www.youtube.com/watch
notes on the Importance of Being Earnest www.sparknotes.com/lit/earnest/
The Importance of... video www.youtube.com/watch
Contemporary British writers
Simon Mawer (the Glass Room) news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/newsnight/review/8291052.stm
describe a picture www.praguets.com/cs/vylet-vila-tugendhat-43/
Ian Mc Ewan,Nick Hornby,Doris Lessing , Douglas Adams, J.K.Rowling,.Tolkien Terry Pratchett, Sue Townsend, Ian Fleming, John Le Carre, Salmon Rushdie, Alexandra Potter............................................................................:)
American literature
American literature in historical context www.bridge-online.cz
complimentary videos ( US history) Thanksgiving www.youtube.com/watch
George Washington www.youtube.com/watch
Abraham Lincoln www.youtube.com/watch
Vietnam war www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnam-war-history
Catch 22 www.youtube.com/watch
catch 22 explained www.youtube.com/watch
the Czech Republic
passive voice
Václav Klaus on EU www.youtube.com/watch
EU explained www.youtube.com/watch
a_film_review_writing.pdf [491 KB]